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每天必吃的五种健康食物 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2010-03-04

Eating right on a budget can be a challenge, but it's certainly not impossible. Consider this your cheat sheet to the 5 inexpensive foods you should eat everyday for optimum health.

#1 Leafy greens
Medical experts call them one of nature's miracle foods. Leafy greens like Swiss chard and kale are high in nutrients like folate and vitamins A and C that can lower your risk of cancer. Just one cup of dark, leafy greens a day could also prevent diabetes and high blood pressure.

#2 Nuts
Many nutritionists recommend nuts like almonds, cashews and walnuts because they're high in natural fiber. Fiber slows your digestive process, keeping hunger and unhealthy mid-afternoon snacks at bay. Goodbye vending machine runs!

#3 Onions
Studies show that consuming onions on a regular basis may reduce symptoms of asthma and the risk of developing stomach cancer. Add them to soups and stir-fry, and just remember -- the stronger the onion, the greater the health benefit.

#4 Whole grains
Refined grains, like white rice and pasta, have lost 90% of their nutritional value through the refining process. As if that weren't reason enough to choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and whole oats, a recent study showed that a diet rich in whole grains actually flattens your belly by reducing fat storage in your lower abdominal region.

#5 Yogurt
Making yogurt part of your daily eating routine can improve your digestion -- if you're buying the right stuff. Check that the label lists "active cultures" to make sure you're getting healthy probiotics, and pick a yogurt rich in vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis.  
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2010-03-05


只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2010-03-07

只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2010-03-09

6 Foods That Fix Bad Breath

Last night, the tacos smothered in onions were great. But this morning, your breath could fell a sumo wrestler. What to do?
Last night, the tacos smothered in onions were great. But this morning, your breath could fell a sumo wrestler.
What to do? When your breath has turned toxic because of smelly foods—usually garlic, onions, or curry, but fish and cheese can do a number, too—you need an air freshener for your mouth. And you need it often: every 30 to 60 minutes until the odorous offender has cleared out of your bloodstream, which can sometimes take up to 24 hours. Because brushing constantly is impossible, try countering breath-busting foods with what's likely to be handiest: other foods.
1. Lemons. Suck on a lemon wedge, or nibble on the rind—easy to do in restaurants, where there's often a citrus garnish; if not, you can order sparkling water with lemon. For other times, lemon-flavored hard candies work just as well, and they're totally portable.
2. Parsley and other green garnishes. When your favorite garlic-laden pasta dish or onion-topped burger arrives with a few sprigs of parsley on the side, consider it a hint, not just a colorful trim. Chewing on the sprigs releases parsley's pleasant, breath-freshening oils. Garnishes of fresh basil and rosemary work, too.
3. Apples and other crisp, fresh foods (firm pears, carrots, jicama). They're high in fiber , and all that chewing bumps up saliva production—the combo acts like a scrubbing rinse for your mouth. Sweet.
4. Crunchy spices. For a more exotic solution, pick up some anise, cardamom, coriander, and fennel seeds, available in the spice aisle of most grocery stores. Mix equal parts in a small covered bowl, and keep it on the dining room table next to the salt and pepper. Chewing on a few seeds will release enough oil to sweeten after-dinner curry or coffee breath. And your mouth will taste amazing.

5. Mint sprigs or cinnamon sticks. Either of these deliciously potent flavors will squelch the sulfurous scent of onion and garlic. Plus, an essential oil in cinnamon kills a nasty type of oral bacteria, discouraging it from setting up house in your mouth. Cinnamon or mint gum is just as effective. If you pick a gum sweetened with xylitol, it will freshen breath and help reduce cavities—smart, if you're a gum lover. Bonus: Regular oral care can make your RealAge  as much as 6.4 years younger.
6. Berries and yogurt. If you can't get through most days without indulging in foods that are less than breath-friendly, eat for prevention, which is even better than a cure. Consuming half a cup of plain, sugar-free yogurt twice a day can lower mouth levels of hydrogen sulfide (yes, that rotten egg smell). Berries (and melons, oranges, and other fruits high in vitamin C) also deter stinky mouth bacteria. Start and end each day with a cup of fruit topped with a big dollop of yogurt and you might never have to worry about bad breath  again.


只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2011-10-14

只看该作者 5楼 发表于: 2011-10-14

只看该作者 6楼 发表于: 2011-10-14
引用第5楼岁寒于2011-10-14 10:33发表的 :

核桃仁和杏仁 要先泡发吗?

只看该作者 7楼 发表于: 2011-10-14
引用第6楼苗溪于2011-10-14 11:42发表的  :
核桃仁和杏仁 要先泡发吗?


只看该作者 8楼 发表于: 2011-10-14
引用第5楼岁寒于2011-10-14 10:33发表的 :

只看该作者 9楼 发表于: 2011-10-30
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